Documentary filmmaker


DULCE won @ TAMPERE film festival

Big news from this weekend: we won the Grand Prix at Tampere Film Festival! "The International Jury describes Dulce as a unique and amazing film that has a long lasting impact in spite of its short running time." Congrats, team! A potent 10m 30s.

Here is co-director Guille Isa and he is a happy man! We won the Grand Prix at Tampere Film Festival in Finland and he now has a new decorative object for his apartment in Lima. Congratulations to co-director and DP Angello Faccini and everyone else who worked on the film. It keeps on getting attention in the right places, and we'll be screening at a bunch of other festivals this spring. We recently got word about our Asia premiere, which we'll be able to publicize in April.

By Jungles in Paris

Captura de pantalla 2020-07-25 a la(s) 20.19.59.png
AwardsGuille Isa